Meet the FoodWIse staff

The Extension Rock County FoodWIse program office is located at 3506 N. Highway 51, Building A, Janesville, WI 53545. For information call 608-757-5048.

Shana Leith
FoodWIse Program Administrator
(608) 757-5048

Magdalena Jacobson
Bilingual Senior Nutrition Educator
(608) 757-5089

Karen Johnson
Nutrition Educator
(608) 757-5088

Sue Grund
Nutrition Educator 
(608) 757-5083

Amelia Steen-Martin
Nutrition Educator 
(608) 757-5051

Leaving an impact

I love the variety of instructional methods. It is hands-on and always engaging. The lessons are well put together. I am always so appreciative of this program! Thank you for all that you do!

I’ve been highly impressed with UW-Extension presentations. I appreciate that the activities were accessible to all of my students – very inclusionary.

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