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Crops & Soils
The Rock County Crops and Soils program provides educational programming, which promotes agricultural productivity and profitability while protecting the environment. Producers and Ag-professionals benefit from access to the latest, unbiased research based information while the general public enjoys an environment protected by efficient nutrient and pesticide use. We emphasize local research, both in farmer fields and at the Rock County Farm to address emerging issues. Major programs include:

Upcoming Educational Programs and Information
2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series
UW-Madison Division of Extension, Rock County On-Farm Research, and Local Ag Partners welcome you to an educational program series on the Rock County Farm (north side of Janesville) throughout the months of July, August, and September 2024.
We will discuss current crop conditions, share timely agronomic decision-making support, and highlight the latest Extension Research.
There is no cost to attend. Enjoy a boxed meal provided through local agriculture partner support at the completion of the program to grab and go or stay and continue the crops and soils management conversations!
Feel free to download the 2024 Crops Management Series Schedule flyer (PDF, 787 KB)

the Rock County Farm located on US Highway 14 just west of Janesville, WI.
Giant Ragweed Research Summary: What we have learned from 6 years of chemical giant ragweed control in corn and soybean.
The Wisconsin Herbicide Evaluation Program has conducted several chemical manufacturers and commodity board sponsored corn and soybean trials assessing giant ragweed control every year since 2018. The results of this work have been summarized and presented in the Wisconsin Weed Science Research Report.
Download a copy of the Rock County Farm Research (PDF, 4.4 MB) report.
NOPP Project Spotlight Archives
Nitrogen Optimization Pilot Program (NOPP) participants across Wisconsin have been busy carrying out their planned projects. Check out the project updates On-Farm Nitrogen Management Research at the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection website.
The links below are the newest UW Division of Extension Resources related to Crops and Soils:
Please contact Josh Kamps with any Crops and Soils questions.
Josh Kamps
Crops & Soils Outreach Specialist
Jefferson, Rock & Walworth Counties